Dub Bossman Meme

Dub Bossman is a slang term used to describe a win in football, dub being a deviation of "W," meaning win. It is mostly used in the context of calling the person who collected the win "bossman," a slang term meaning winner or champion. In 2020, the term became a pseudo nickname for UK YouTube channel host Robbie Lyle, who has been the subject of numerous memes referring to him as the "Dub Bossman" on Twitter. Memes of Lyle typically feature an image formatted like a Snapchat image, with a black-barred caption across the center of the frame. This API generates a new Dub meme everytime you call it.


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Robbie Lyle

Robbie Lyle is the Founder and main Presenter of Arsenal Fan TV, a YouTube channel which now has over one billion views and is aimed at airing the opinions of real fans. The channel rose to fame during a debate about the future of former manager Arséne Wenger in the 2016-17 season. Since then, he has hosted Channel 4’s The Real Football Fan Show, as well as appearing as the subject of the ITV documentary Robbie Lyle: Football Fans Under Their Skin, in which he discusses racism within football and the experiences of black football supporters.